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ThalesNano Nanotechnology Inc,

About Company

ThalesNano is specialized in developing and providing microscale flow instruments for chemistry, by exploiting benefits of combining microfluidics, mesofluidics and nanotechnology with flow chemistry. The company was founded in 2002 and is located in Budapest, Hungary.

The company is widely recognized for its expertise in transforming chemical processes to microscale continuous-flow operations and developing manual or robotic continuous microreactors for the chemical industry.

ThalesNano is a technology-intensive company whose results are strictly founded on its own R&D activities, which directly realize the company’s goals along with newer and newer innovative endeavors. H-Cube® hydrogenation reactor by ThalesNano has been awarded the R&D 100 Award 2005 by R&D Magazine and the Hungarian Industry Innovation Prize in 2005.

The company provides solutions for leading pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies from all over the world.

ThalesNano is also a member of the Hungarian Biotechnology Association.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

ThalesNano Nanotechnology Inc,

Graphisoft Park,
Záhony u. 7., H-1031 Budapest

Phone: +36 (1) 880-8500

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