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Rent a scientist GmbH

Rent a scientist GmbH

Rent a Scientist creates innovative concepts for materials, products and processes from the most diverse industries. The company consists of several scholars. Creation and implementation of silver nano-particles is the main filed company concentrates on.

Rent a scientist was founded in 1995 by three chemists from the University of Regensburg. The main goal of a company was scientific support of small and medium businesses. In 2002 further specialists were hired. Since then a number of employees and customers grows by 25% per year. RaS is an active member of numerous technology networks. Systematic innovation processes and creative lateral thinking have become the trademark of the company. The first successful product was born in 2002. The idea of elastic conductive yarns was a part of an innovation workshop. The new material was selected as one out of ten innovations honored in 2006 with the Bavarian Innovation Award. Technology gained its application in car interior and clothing industry. For leading manufacturers of workwear was invented an innovative coating for a protective clothes. The suit protects now not only against chemical but also against biological hazards. A special know-how is a nano-silver material. RaS works with silver for about 10 years and is nowadays a company which is a leader in this field worldwide. The most famous nano-brand is AgPURE. The OECD has chosen this mark for a special OECD Sponsorship Program. A new generation of nano-silver antibiotics is coming! Its biological activity is fantastic. The disruption of the cell metabolism by exchanging potassium ions leads to starvation and burst of microbial cell. Reproduction of bacteria is prevented by silver ions. The ions react irreversibly with the sulfur, which contains amino acids of the proteins and DNA/RNA. More details about RaS and its technologies on a website.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Rent a scientist GmbH

An der Irler Höhe 3a
93055 Regensburg

Phone: + 49 941 607 173 0

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