Nanostart AG
About Company
Since its establishment in 2003, Nanostart AG has become the leading expert in the interface between nanotechnology and the capital markets. The company is divided into two business areas:
Through our Portfolio Division, we provide venture capital financing to finance the growth of young companies whose business is based on groundbreaking nanotechnology. We invest not only with our financial capital but also with our "human capital" - with our management experience and expertise - as well as by providing our portfolio companies with access to our global network. Professional commercialization ensures the best chances for rapid growth and long-term company development, providing both Nanostart and its portfolio companies with the potential for high returns.
Our Financial Division leverages Nanostart's expertise in situations where decisions are to be made about investing in nanotechnology. Participants in the capital markets rely on us particularly for our experience in transactions such as IPOs.
The company is headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany, where CEO Marco Beckmann directs these businesses together with an experienced management team. Nanostart coordinates a worldwide network of scientists, entrepreneurs and investment professionals. The supervisory board of Nanostart AG is comprised of renowned figures from the worlds of business and science who are actively involved in all important decisions.
Nanostart AGGoethestrasse 26-28 |
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