Marcotech oHG

Marcotech oHG

The company was established in 2002. Since then it offers its experience in a wide range of services in the field of nanotechnology. The offices and laboratories of this company are located in the Centre of Nanotechnology, Münster.

This institution is notable for the way it organizes cooperation between science and innovative companies. Customers can benefit from the national and international platform Marcotech works on. Marcotech integrates itself into: 1. applied research and developments in the following areas: a. Drug delivery systems b. Cell culture and oxidative stress studies c. Modification and characterization of biomaterials d. Penetration/diffusion measurements e. Microbiological tests and examinations 2. nano analytical service: a. surface analysis of bio- and engineering materials b. Failure analysis of materials 3. market analysis and feasibility studies as well as business plans and business rentability calculations. 4. Organization of development projects on a national and international level involving public funding. All the activities of the company are aim to win more attention among audience which is interested n the field of nanotechnologies. Reliable partnership and cooperation are key success factors.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Marcotech oHG

Heisenbergstraße 11
48149 Muenster

Phone: + 49 251 8363 410

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