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NANOGAP is a nanomaterials company built on a technology platform of precisely controlled wet chemistry.

NANOGAP was incorporated in 2006 and is a spin-out from the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). The company is located near the University in the region of Galicia (northwestern Spain). In 2010 NANOGAP's international presence was increased with the creation of a US subsidiary in California. NANOGAP is a nanomaterials company built on a technology platform of precisely controlled wet chemistry. This is expertise developed over 20 years by its co-founders, the leaders of the NANOMAG Research Group at the USC. Nanomaterials, the building blocks of the nanotechnology revolution, are defined by having at least one dimension less than 100 nanometers (nm) in size. Due to this small size, the nanomaterials exhibit new and improved properties over their “bulk material” counterparts. From the NANOGAP technology platform, novel, high performance nanomaterials are produced. These products, with a broad range of properties and benefits, find applicability in a diverse variety of applications and markets. They include: electrically conductive materials that can be used in preparation of conductive inks for printed electronics, antistatic coatings, highly conductive adhesives and transparent conductive films; photoluminescent materials with unique optical fingerprints that are being developed for security printing; medical diagnostic applications; antimicrobial additives for coatings and plastics which make surfaces hygienically clean, without adversely affecting any other properties; a potential new therapeutic treatment for cancer

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |


Políg. Ind. Novo Milladoiro; R/Xesta, 78-A2
15895 Milladoiro

Phone: 34 981523897

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