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Felix Technology

About Company

Felix Technology Inc. is an environmental system provider and integrator. We provide engineering solutions that help environmental monitoring run more reliably, efficiently and economically. We provide appropriate technical support and consistent quality to exceed our customer’s expectations. As an integrator, there is a growing trend toward improving services by collaborating to find even more reliability in any industrial and environmental measurement and monitoring.

We provide sensors, instruments and systems for measuring and monitoring in our demanding environments. Our main focus is on Meteorological, Hydrological, Environmental industries. We are dedicated to finding reliable and long lasting solutions for our customers and we are working hard for a safer environment by measuring the processes in our industries and in our environment.

Comprehensive system integration services help you to make your business more efficient. There may be a lot of major as well as minor processes working simultaneously in an industry. What System Integration does is it combines all of these bits into one single smooth process, thereby removing a lot of confusion from the floor. Providing customized industrial measurement systems to suit the specifications and the  requirements of the customers is our primary goal.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Felix Technology

25-1 Edilcan Drive
Ontaria, L4K 3S4 Concord

Phone: +1 (905) 760 0444

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