Nanotechnology Companies

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Main Activity in Nanotechnology

Material Manufacturer

About Company

MANCEF globally supports the creation, exchange, and dissemination of knowledge vital to people, organizations, and governments interested in the commercialization of miniaturization technologies.

Numerous committees support MANCEF's vision to be the premier educational organization for the commercialization of miniaturization technologies.

There are around 400 members representing companies and institutions from North America, Europe, Asia, Pacific Rim and Middle East.

MANCEF Objectives

  • To promote the exchange of knowledge and disseminate information that can accelerate the emergence of an effective economic basis for the future development of Micro and Nano-technology based industries
  • To produce conferences, educational training sessions, international trade shows, seminars and internet-based electronic forums focusing on Micro and Nanotechnology, including commercial and educational opportunities utilizing such technology
  • To solicit proposals that will promote the commercialization of Micro, Nano and other small emergent technologies

MANCEF was incorporated in December 2000 as a not-for-profit organization in Florida, USA.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |


117 Bryn Mawr SE #27
NM, 87106 Albuquerque

Phone: 1 (505) 255 1826

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