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National Research Council Department of Chemical Science and Materials Technology

National Research Council Department of Chemical Science and  Materials Technology

The Department conducts researches on molecular chemistry and nanomaterials.

The passage from traditional technologies to new technologies with high efficiency (enabling technologies) asks for a target planning and more target oriented components, generally molecular based, so to characterize the necessary functionalities to develop new products or new services (multifunctional materials).In such context the Department has individualized in the "chemical manufacturing" the fundamental mean to plan and to set molecules, macromolecules or systems organized with correlated specific functionality to the molecular ownerships of organic, inorganic and hybrid mixtures and the cooperative ownerships of layers or simple or composite film or macromolecules.

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National Research Council Department of Chemical Science and Materials Technology

P.le Aldo Moro, 7
00185 Rome

Phone: 06 49937765

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