Nanotechnology Companies

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Angstrom Power Inc.

Main Activity in Nanotechnology

Material Manufacturer

About Company

Angstrom Power Inc. is a Vancouver based company founded in 2001 to develop and commercialize micro-structured fuel cells based on a novel fuel cell architecture. The unique fuel cell architecture, combined with innovative concepts for hydrogen fuel and integrated into passive micro hydrogen™ systems, enables high energy density in small form factors suitable for portable devices like cell phones.

Angstrom Power has successfully built prototype devices and is currently in the process of developing products for industrial and consumer markets. The family of products includes end-user devices as well as products for refueling. The refueling can either be portable using cartridges or fixed using existing hydrogen infrastructures.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Angstrom Power Inc.

#109 - 980 West 1st Street
BC, V7P 3N4 North Vancouver

Phone: 1 (604) 980 9936

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