

NEOKER, S.L. is presently the only world producer of alumina whiskers. This tiny filamented material is the best choice to be used as reinforcing phase in Advanced Composites.

Neoker is a spin-off of the Institute of Ceramics of Galicia (ICG) of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), its activity focuses on the production of new advanced materials, in particular the production of monocrystalline alumina fibers (FMA), also called alumina whiskers. They offer a clear competitive advantage as they reduce the degradation characteristic of the composites reinforced with SiC whiskers where oxidation progressively deteriorates the materials of which they are part.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |


Xesta, N1 nave 78-A1
15895 Ames

Phone: 34981533949

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