Nanotechnology Companies

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MJR PharmJet GmbH

Main Activity in Nanotechnology

Material Manufacturer

About Company

MJR PharmJet GmbH is a company based in Germany that provides services for the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industry with a focus on the nano- and microparticles production.

Our company has been working on the development of methods for the production of nano- and microparticles in microjet reactor with our partners from different areas for several years. This leads to superior approaches, such as combination of polymers (e.g. pharmaceutical agents) with different substances (e.g. drugs) in a single nano- or microparticle and the statistical design of experiments to efficiently develop and manufacture of highly specialized and customized particles with a low experimental effort.

Our product portfolio ranges from contract research to marketing of own formulation strategies and products on the field of nano- and microparticles. Our product offers extend up to construction and sale of microjet reactor plants.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

MJR PharmJet GmbH

Michel-Souty-Strasse 23
66740 Saarlouis

Phone: 49 (06831) 503 50 52

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