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Sri Lanka Institute of Nanotechnology

Sri Lanka Institute of Nanotechnology

SLINTEC specializes in Nanotechnology research & development to make innovative products and add value to natural resources.

They are currently focuses on five primary research fields: Agriculture, Apparel, Water purification, Healthcare and Mineral resources. SLINTEC’s R&D is by no means limited to these research fields as can be seen from their project portfolio that ranges from innovative rubber products and advanced surface coatings to ceramics and packaging. Moroever, they cooperate with research institutes and universities to develop Sri Lanka’s technology and research capability to a world class standard. Also, they bring nanotechnology research and business enterprises together to give increase to a new world of possibilities and promote the growth of high tech firms in Sri Lanka.In addition, they attract expatriate Sri Lankan scientists by creating a sustainable eco-system where people from the world over can gathering and cooperate to bring nanotechnology to life.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Sri Lanka Institute of Nanotechnology

Lot 14, Zone 1, Biyagama Export Processing Zone, Walgama

Phone: +94 11 4650500

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