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Alchemia Limited

About Company

Australian publicly-listed nano-biotechnology company Alchemia Limited’s VAST technology is a nanoscale drug discovery technique for systematically scanning ‘molecular diversity space’. The company has used VAST to identify candidates for therapeutic indications, the most advanced being an anti-cancer treatment for which the company hopes to finalise pre-clinical studies this year.

Alchemia has also developed technology for molecular manufacturing. It is running a commercial program to manufacture a synthetic form of the molecule heparin, which is a complex mixture of carbohydrates that prevent the formation of blood clots, and has been widely used in its natural form for medical procedures since the 1930s. This product will be brought to market in 2008 through a manufacturing alliance with Dow Chemical, and a partnership with the specialist pharmaceutical company American Pharmaceutical Partners.


Nano-biotechnology, Drug Discovery, Anti-Angiogenic, Anti-Cancer Therapeutic, Cancer Treatment, Molecular Manufacturing,

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Sales Contact

Dr Tracie Ramsdale
Chief Executive Officer

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Alchemia Limited

3 Hi-Tech Court
Queensland, 4113 Eight Mile Plains

Phone: +61 (7) 3340 0200

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