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Panomics, Inc.

Main Activity in Nanotechnology

Material Manufacturer

About Company

Panomics is a privately-held life science company focused on parallel quantitative biology (PQB) a platform of reagents and products that enable the multiplex measurement of molecular events, such as intracellular pathway analysis, cell signaling and gene expression profiling, in a quantitative and scalable manner. Panomics has grown rapidly on the value of QuantiGene and QuantiGene Plex, our proprietary bDNA technology for gene expression analysis in cell-based assays, as well as our signal transduction and transcription factor assays. The company recently launched Deliver X a new siRNA delivery reagent for non-cytotoxic transfection of RNAi reagents into primary cell lines, the first in a series of biomolecule delivery products. Panomics (formerly Genospectra) was founded in 2000 and is based in Fremont, CA.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Panomics, Inc.

6519 Dumbarton Circle
CA, 94555 Fremont

Phone: 1 (510) 818 2600

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