XEPTAGEN SpA is engaged in the discovery and validation of novel molecular markers in order to produce innovative diagnostic kits for the early detection, monitoring, and screening of cancerous cells.
XEPTAGEN is situated at the VEGA Science Park in Venice, Italy. The center is dedicated to the development of nano-biotechnology applications in molecular oncology and R&D processes for drug discovery. Strong investments have equipped the facility with state of the art technology and the most up-to-date equipment for high-throughput protein screening and for developing latest generation diagnostic devices and therapeutics in oncology. By exploiting the natural immune response to early stage cancer and the proprietary platform technology Combinatorial Proteomic®, XEPTAGEN has discovered specific tumor markers that lead to an earlier and much more accurate detection of developing carcinomas. Our mission includes creating innovative tools that improve the diagnostic accuracy for cancer and the clinical management of cancer patients.
Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |
XEPTAGEN S.p.A.Via delle Industrie, 9 |
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