Nanotechnology Companies | Nanotechnology Services
Nanotechnology Services

Academia Sinica - Core Facilities for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

They support and promote nowadays research on nanoscience and nanotechnology by offering sophisticated research instruments through a sharing system.

Aichi/Nagoya Knowledge Cluster for Nanotechnology Manufacturing

They focuse on basic research to meet the needs of the region's industries.

Alberta Centre for Advanced MNT Products (ACAMP)

This centre provides specialized services to micro nano technology clients.

Asian Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Association (ANNA)

ANNA is working together in association with a group of researchers in Japan to keep pace with the growing needs for cooperative interactions among researchers in Asian countries.


CASO is a non-profit organisation which aims to contribute to the training of young European consciousness through artistic, scientific and movement.
Fujitsu Laboratories

Pursues nanotechnology research such as carbon nanotube interconnects and high-speed nanoscale devices.

Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Graphene Research Society

They make an opportunity to provide information relate to basic science and applied technology concerning to nano carbon based materials.

Hosokawa Micron Group

They offers process solutions for powder and particle processing including the application, development and commercialization of ultra fine composite particles for nanotechnology.

Indigo Instruments

Indigo Instruments provides education models for research or teaching nanotechnology.


The company specializes on Energy and Environment, Information and Communication, Production and Environment and Sustainable Mobility.

Integrated Service Technology

The company's broad integration project service portfolio covers developing leading testing, verification, evaluation, debugging, and analysis project service technologies.

Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute (IPPI)

They devote many areas of research including nanotechnology.

Iranian Nanotechnology Initiative

Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council is trying to prepare activity of the private sector and production of wealth within the society.

Israel National Nanotechnology Initiative (INNI)

Their main aim is to make nanotechnology the next wave of successful industry in Israel by creating an engine for global leadership.


The company covers the following areas: Electron Microscopes, Applications Support for SEM, TEM, NMR, Mass Spec, NMR, Mass Spectrometers

Kakkazan Innovations

Kakkazan Innovations consists of domain experts plus professional linguists and writers who make report on nanotechnology developments in Japan.

Kimmel Center for Nanoscale Science at the Weizmann Institute

They promote education of young researchers and try to help establish the links between molecular biology and nanoscale science.

Klean Carbon

Klean is developing new possibilities how to solve the global problem of carbon pollution.

Korea Institute of Science and Technology - NanoNet

KISTI is targeted to contribute to advancing national science & technology, developing industry and increasing the people's welfare.

Korea Nano Technology Research Society

Their main activity is a research for promotion of development of nanotechnology.

Lot Quantum Design GmbH

Lot Quantum Design GmbH is the leading European distributor of high-tech instrumentation and consumables for scientific, academic and industrial research. The company is present in majority of European countries.

Nano Science and Technology Consortium (NSTC)

NSTC is a non-government, professional association working with the aim of fostering research, business cooperation and providing advanced education and training in nanotechnology industry.


They are a Nano-Integrator that already has experience in developing and applying the Nanotech in various industries.


NanoAlberta is an authority on nanotechnology research, development and commercialization activities in the province.

Nanoinitiative Bayern GmbH

Nanoinitiative Bayern GmbH is the supporting organisation of the Cluster Nanotechnologie. It creates connections between companies, research and teaching institutions, associations and other actors.

Nanoproofed GmbH

Nanoproofed is an expert in the area of nano-coatings and an international producer of nanotechnical sealings. It provides research and development services in cooperation with other companies, business associations and various federal agencies.

NAREGI - National Research Grid Initiative

They try to seek to advance research and development of grid middleware, grid operation technique and applications.


Creation of a critical and commented database on the health, safety and environmental impact of nanoparticles.
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