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CollaGenex Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Main Activity in Nanotechnology

Material Manufacturer

About Company

CollaGenex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a specialty pharmaceutical company currently focused on developing and marketing proprietary, innovative medical therapies to the dermatology market. CollaGenex recently launched Oracea, the first FDA-approved systemic product for the treatment of rosacea. CollaGenex's professional dermatology sales force also markets Pandel(R), a prescription topical corticosteroid licensed from Altana, Inc., Alcortin(TM) (1% iodoquinol and 2% hydrocortisone), a prescription topical antifungal steroid combination, and Novacort(TM) (2% hydrocortisone acetate and 1% pramoxine HCl), a prescription topical steroid and anesthetic. Alcortin and Novacort are marketed by the Company under a Promotion and Cooperation agreement with Primus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. CollaGenex is conducting a 300-patient, Phase II dose-finding study to evaluate its second dermatology candidate, incyclinide, for the treatment of acne. CollaGenex is also conducting Phase I clinical trials to evaluate COL-118, a topical compound based on the SansRosa technology, for the treatment of redness associated with rosacea and other skin disorders.

CollaGenex additionally currently sells Periostat(R), which the Company developed as the first pharmaceutical to treat periodontal disease by inhibiting the enzymes that destroy periodontal support tissues and by enhancing bone protein synthesis, and Atridox(R), Atrisorb FreeFlow(R) and Atrisorb-D FreeFlow(R), which are products of QLT Inc., the successor to Atrix Laboratories, Inc., for the treatment of adult periodontitis.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

CollaGenex Pharmaceuticals Inc.

41 University Drive
PA, 18940 Newtown

Phone: 1 (215) 579 7388

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