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Heidelberg Instruments GmbH

Main Activity in Nanotechnology

Material Manufacturer

About Company

Heidelberg Instruments headquarters is located in Heidelberg, Germany. Founded in 1984, the company has been a market leader in design, development and manufacturing of laser lithography systems capable of direct writing as well as mask making.

Throughout the years, these systems have continuously been improved, adapted and customized for various applications, such as high density interconnects, MEMS, integrated optics, flat panel displays, etc.

Heidelberg Instruments is a global company with an installation base of over 250 systems in more than 30 countries and branch offices in the USA, Taiwan, China, Japan, and Korea along with world wide representatives. Our customer base includes small, mid size and large corporations, along with leading research and development organizations.

The field-proven technology of the DWL systems guarantees a reliable production of precision photomask with minimum features down to 0.5 microns at 10nm address grid, with areas of up to 2.4 by 1.9 meters.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Heidelberg Instruments GmbH

Tullastrasse 2
Germany 69126 Heidelberg


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