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LayTec GmbH

About Company

LayTec develops, manufactures and markets optical in-situ and in-line metrology systems for thin-film processes with particular focus on compound semiconductor and photovoltaics applications.

Our company is committed to providing industry leading thin-film metrology solutions. LayTec in-situ monitoring technology dramatically improves development speed, yield, quality control and reproducibility. Fast-paced product development is fueled by a continuing dialogue with our customers. Supported through an international network of local distributors, we work closely together with production-line end customers, equipment manufacturers and leading research institutions to find new approaches to advanced thin-film process analysis and control.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

LayTec GmbH

Seesener Str. 10–13
10709 Berlin

Phone: +49 (30) 39 800 80-0

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