Nanotechnology Companies

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Ceramatec, Inc.

About Company

Ceramatec, Inc. is excited to join the Nano-Technology revolution. We have the capability to invent, develop and scale up proprietary technologies for producing nano-powders for targeted applications like infrared windows, catalysts, fuel cells, and even cosmetics.

As part of our nano-initiative, Ceramatec, Inc. has synthesized nano-powders using a proprietary powder synthesis process that results in very high purity, high-quality, un-agglomerated, high surface area, nanocrystalline ceramic powders.

Ceramatec, Inc. looks forward to collaborating and expanding in the area of nanotechnology through research sub-contracts, business partnership, and R&D investments. New ideas and practical approaches are at the forefront of our efforts. Ceramatec, Inc. can also entertain special custom orders for synthesizing novel nano-ceramic powders.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Ceramatec, Inc.

2425 South 900 West
Utah, 8419 Salt Lake City

Phone: +01 (801) 972-2455

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