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GC Green Carbon Inc.

Main Activity in Nanotechnology

Nano Carbon Structures

About Company

GC green Carbon was formed in 2010 and is working with strategic allies to bring a total stack solution to industry. The details have been roughly blueprinted and over a year of intensive prototype work has been done. All signs point to a closed stack system being very viable and revenue positive. Strategic allies are patenting their related technologies and the group will offer the stack solution to industry within a year after a demonstration is set up. In the meantime GC Green Carbon is offering a protfolio of carbon nano materials from trade secrets and patented technologies to help the long term industrial ambitions of the company.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

GC Green Carbon Inc.

2nd Floor. 9795 Wittner Rd
BC, V2C 6Y7 Kamloops

Phone: ()

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