Nanotechnology Companies

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Nanosyn Inc.

About Company

Nanosyn is a privately held chemistry-based enterprise founded in 1998 by a group of industry experts specializing in the design, synthesis, and analysis of small molecule organic compounds for the pharmaceutical industry. Our client base consists of pharmaceutical, biotech, and academic institutions. Nanosyn has a well established track record, encompassing well over a hundred business relationships throughout the United States and the rest of the world.

The original intent of Nanosyn, Inc. creators was solely resting upon concepts of “miniaturized chemistry” - catering to the true needs of the biotech research sectors for cost-efficient and environmentally-conscientious, nanoscaled compounds. Naturally, with the rapid growth of the company’s market share and diversity, Nanosyn evolved into a Chemistry on Demand service provider.

Today, we are proud to offer versatile services that are specifically tailored to each client's individual needs. Full utilization of our intellectual resources, proprietary technology, state-of-the-art automation and robotics enables us to provide innovative solutions to advance the process of drug discovery.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Nanosyn Inc.

3760 Haven Ave
California, 94025 Menlo Park

Phone: +1 (0) (650) 853-7030

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