ANP Technologies, Inc.
About Company
We are rapidly gaining a reputation as the “go-to” firm that large pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies come to when encountering obstacles in developing new biological drugs. Our company has one of the most experienced scientific staffs in the industry, when it comes to working with protein-related compounds. From our groundbreaking work with measuring the immunogenicity of large molecules to pharmacokinetics to our un-paralleled ability to generate significantly higher yields of antibodies through affinity purification, ANP Technologies® stands at the forefront of innovative technologies.
Our patented technologies have enabled us to enhance assay performance in both ELISA and lateral flow formats. For ELISA assays, our expertise in conjugation chemistry combined with our proprietary HyperBind® plates have been the foundation of many unique pharmacokinetic (PK) and immunogenicity (IM) assays delivered to our pharmaceutical industry clients. These same technologies have also been applied to PK and IM lateral flow rapid assays, which have proven their potential of higher throughput, affordability, and simplified workflow compared to ELISAs while matching ELISA’s sensitivity and improving its accuracy. ANP offers robust handheld and desktop readers for use with our lateral flow rapid assays.
- Nanoencapsulation for protein drugs
- SiRNA and RNAi delivery
- Small Molecule drug delivery
ANP Technologies, Inc.824 Interchange Boulevard |
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