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DCG Systems

About Company

DCG Systems' history includes over 25 years of experience. Beginning with the original Diagnostic Systems Group in the late 1980's as part of Schlumberger's former ATE division and later the Probe Systems Group as part of NPTest, the group was later combined with Optonics and Hypervision to form Credence System Corporation's Diagnostic and Characterization Group.

DCG continues to grow through acquisitions, acquiring Zyvex Instruments in 2010 and Thermosensorik GmbH in 2011.

DCG Systems retains the expertise and experience from the development of a broad range of diagnostic products. DCG Systems' continue to support our large installed base of Probe Systems, Optonics, Hypervision, Zyvex and Thermosensorik instruments.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

DCG Systems

45900 Northport Loop East
CA 94538 Fremont

Phone: 510 (897) 6800

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