
About Company
NanoCentral is driving the safe, beneficial and profitable commercialisation of nanomaterials. We are an alliance of organisations capable of providing you access to a broad range of leading edge technologies, equipment and services.
NanoCentral uniquely provides existing and potential manufacturers or users of nanomaterials single point access to an integrated and comprehensive set of nano-related capabilities that encompass:
- synthesis
- dispersion, functionalisation & formulation
- application development
- characterisation
- safety, health and environmental capabilities
NanoCentral is based at CPI within the Wilton Centre in the North East of England, one of the largest purpose built research and development centres in Europe. Founded in 2006 as a-not-for-profit organisation, they are supported by the UK Government and its regional development agency, One NorthEast.
NanoCentral is founded on the belief that nanomaterials will make a vital difference to the success of both UK businesses and the economy as we overcome barriers to commercialisation, a fragmented supply chain, low user awareness and SHE concerns.
It takes a unique kind of organisation to speed up this process, blending public sector impartiality with private sector competitiveness. The NanoCentral team shares 100 years of combined nanotechnology, management and marketing experience. In their commitment to the mission and its ultimate benefits, the team are passionate, knowledgeable, realistic and above all focused on the practicalities of delivering change.
For the first time, via NanoCentral, businesses can take advantage of a seamless and coherent service spanning:
The provision of open access to key nano-material technologies:
- Synthesis (including flame/plasma pyrolysis and crystallisation)
- Dispersion, Functionalisation and Formulation (including high pressure-high shear mixing and dispersion)
- Applications Development (from coatings to devices)
- Characterisation (including TEM, SEM, XRD and particle sizing)
- Help with the formation of collaborations within the supply chain to develop and exploit nanomaterials.
- Consultancy in the areas of nanomaterials technology and marketing.
- The publication of nanomaterial related SHE advice and good practice.
- The provision of training in the field of nanomaterials and nanotechnology.
- The delivery of nanomaterial knowledge transfer.
NanoCentralThe Centre for Process Innovation, Wilton Centre |
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