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CUF Companhia União Fabril

CUF Companhia União Fabril

The main areas of the company's activity are Aniline, Nitrobenzene, Nitric Acid, Sulfanilic Acid, Sodium Hydroxide, Sodium Hypochlorite, Hydrochloric acid, rock salt, Nanotechnology.

At CUF, there is a Chemistry bonding us. A passion passed down by the founder of the company, Alfredo da Silva, who has captivated shareholders and employees alike over a period of 150 years. Today, as before, we manufacture vital chemical products on a daily basis, essential to the wellbeing of the modern society. Inorganic and organic chemical products such as Chlorine and Aniline, Nitric and Sulforic acids and Hydrochloric, Caustic Soda or Nitrobenzene, among others. Products that are present in the purification process of the water we consume, that are used in the pharmaceutical, rubber and paper industries. But, essentially products used as raw materials in the manufacturing of polyurethanes (MDI) and lye. These products are exported to many parts of Europe: Spain, Italy, France, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic and Germany are just a few examples, among others. CUF holds the first place in the sale of Aniline in Europe, as an unintegrated producer, and it’s the third biggest Iberian producer of chlorine. We annually export more than 90 percent of our total production. The Chemicals area is represented by the following companies: CUF-QI (Production and Commercialisation of industrial chemicals - Organic and Inorganic), AQP (Aluminium Salts Production), ELNOSA (Production and Commercialisation of chlorine and its derivatives) and RENOESTE (Salt extraction and purification).

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

CUF Companhia União Fabril

Lagoas Park-Edifício 6, 2º
2740-244 Lisboa

Phone: 351 210 058 600

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