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Breault Research Organization

Main Activity in Nanotechnology

Material Manufacturer

About Company

Breault Research Organization (BRO) is an optical engineering firm of global reach and reputation. Our optical software products help engineers turn creative visions into working prototypes, and our engineers work on beyond-state-of-the-art projects for Fortune 500 companies, research institutions, and top government labs.

In nearly three decades of innovation, BRO has contributed to the success of engineering projects for thousands of clients. We've enabled or worked on the hottest technological breakthroughs, including numerous proprietary projects that we can't talk about.

We've been recognized by the director of the US Patent and Trademark Office for export achievements. We've won a Wells Fargo Copper Cactus award for Best Place to Work. And Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano has commended BRO's excellence in technology development. BRO is a company steadfastly committed to innovation and the success of its clients.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Breault Research Organization

6400 East Grant Road, Suite 350
Arizona, 85715 Tucson

Phone: 1 (800) 882 5085

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