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Ross Nanotechnology

About Company

Ross Nanotechnology, LLC, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ross Technology Corporation, is better known by the household name NeverWet, their product. Ross Technology Corporation has been in business since 1962 and occupies four separate plants in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Ross Nanotechnology, LLC is a company dedicated to identifying, inventing, and commercializing nanotechnologies in order to solve critical problems. In order to give the consumer higher quality products at better prices, the company focuses on industrial partnerships to improve products and processes of established brands.

Ross Nanotechnology has developed a super hydrophobic coating that completely repels water and heavy oils. Any object coated with NeverWet coating literally cannot be touched by liquid. Any liquid placed on this coating is repelled and simply rolls off without touching the underlying surface. Not only is this amazing to see, but it solves a myriad of problems.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Ross Nanotechnology

P.O. Box 646
PA, 17540 Leola

Phone: 1 (717) 207.8155

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