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ASM International

About Company

ASM International N.V. is a leading supplier of semiconductor process equipment in both front- and back-end markets. The Company possesses a strong technological base, state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, a competent and qualified workforce and a highly trained, strategically distributed support network.

Each of ASM International's major products are qualified for 300mm wafer processing. This and other leading-edge process and equipment developments ensure ASM International a position of strength and growth for many years.

ASM International and its subsidiaries provide production solutions for wafer processing, assembly and packaging of semiconductor devices through their facilities in the United States, Europe, Japan and Asia. The Company is headquartered in Almere, The Netherlands.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

ASM International

3440 E. University Drive
Arizona, 85034 Phoenix

Phone: +1 (602) 470-5700

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