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MS MacroSystem Nederland

About Company

MS MacroSystem offers professional 3D and 4D graphics software for science and technology that allows you to analyze data quickly and accurately. Our unique set of interactive 3D measurement tools was specifically developed to meet requirements of nanotechnology, nanometrology and nanomanipulation.

MS MacroSystem provides custom software solutions and components for scientific research in the field of scanning microscopy (SPM, AFM, STM, SNOM, NSOM, etc.)

We have developed set of graphical 3D measurement tools that allows you accurate data analysis in most natural and interactive way.

Our software scientific visualization package is designed for quick creation of the professional images and animation from various 3D and 4D datasets such as GIS, MRI, CT scan, time resolved spectra, computer simulation, etc.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

MS MacroSystem Nederland

Tromplaan 1
NL-3951 CL Maarn

Phone: +31 (343) 441323

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