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Daylight Solutions Inc.

About Company


Daylight Solutions’ mission is to be the leading provider of “Best in Class” mid-infrared sources and systems into defense, commercial, and research markets. We provide our customers with a sustainable, competitive advantage in molecular detection and imaging applications through our global leadership position in advanced, mid-infrared technology.


Daylight Solutions was founded in January 2005 by industry veterans Dr. Timothy Day, Paul Larson, and Sam Crivello.  Its purpose was to advance Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) technology for commercial, medical, and defense applications. The company worked with its fabrication partners to pull QCL technology out of the laboratory research phase, and to transition it into mainstream applications.
The company introduced its first products in 2006, which consisted of broadly tunable lasers operating in the 3um to 14um spectrum. With hundreds of Daylight lasers now in the hands of researchers across the globe, the company has earned the position as the leader and trusted supplier of mid-infrared instruments to this important community. Daylight Solutions continues to advance these products in order to meet the constantly evolving demands of cutting-edge research.

In 2010, Daylight Solutions created Daylight Defense as a wholly owned subsidiary. Daylight Defense quickly became the world leader in advanced, mid-infrared laser systems for defense applications. The company is now the premier provider of QCL-based Infrared Counter Measure (IRCM) systems for protecting aircraft against heat seeking missiles. Today, Daylight Defense continues to increase its involvement in advanced laser-based systems for protecting personnel in the combat theater. The company develops and manufactures a variety of products for the Defense Department.

Through its strong relationships and ongoing collaboration with its research customers, Daylight Solutions has identified new, emerging opportunities in Commercial markets. These opportunities include exciting new applications in Life Sciences, Oil & Gas, and a number of other important markets. The company continues to invest in new products for these markets. Additionally, Daylight Solutions partners with Tier 1 customers to develop custom solutions that target their specific applications.

As a pioneer in QCL technology and systems, Daylight Solutions has developed significant Intellectual Property (IP). The company holds numerous fundamental patents in both the technology and those applications that utilize the technology. Daylight Solutions remains committed to expanding its IP and patent portfolio while advancing mid-infrared applications and solutions.

Throughout the company’s history, we have cultivated a culture of commitment and excellence in what we do. Today Daylight Solutions is a vibrant community of scientists, engineers, and business people, all dedicated to advancing our customer’s competitive position through mid-infrared technology. We are committed to products that advance global research, contribute to the health and wellness of our community and the environment, and that protect those who serve for us in our armed forces.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Daylight Solutions Inc.

15378 Avenue of Science, Suite 200
California, 92128 San Diego

Phone: +1 (858) 432-7500

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