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Eulitha AG

About Company

Eulitha was founded in 2006 in the canton Aargau of Switzerland. Its founders have played critical roles in the development of Extreme Ultraviolet Interference Technology at the Paul Scherrer Institut. The company aims to serve nano-structuring needs of targeted applications through this breakthrough technology. At present, it provides products as samples for nanotechnology R&D.

Eulitha produces high-quality nanostructures using advanced lithography techniques. The resolution of the structures it offers extends down to sub-20 nm region.

Eulitha's fabrication for periodic nanostructures is based on its record-breaking Extreme Ultraviolet Interference lithography EUV-IL technology. The method uses light at a wavelength of about 13 nm. One-dimensional linear gratings and two-dimensional dot arrays or grids are available from EUV-IL.

In addition, Eulitha has state of the art electron-beam lithography capability to manufacture arbitrary nanostructures for a variety of applications.

Eulitha aims to provide the best quality periodic nanostructures required both by the industry and research and development community. Contact Eulitha to find out how your application may benefit from our unique products.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Eulitha AG

5232 Villigen PSI
PH: +41 (56) 310 4279 Switzerland


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