Nanotechnology Companies

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Nanoworld AG

Main Activity in Nanotechnology

Component Supplier
AFM probes

About Company

Nanotechnology is our field. Precision is our tradition. Innovation is our key instrument. That's why we are located in Switzerland, one of the most powerful and innovative areas in Europe.

Using our knowledge as well as our high precision AFM Probes, our clients are able to get the best results they need for atomic force microscopy (AFM).

Research and development

The NanoWorld Research and Development team works continuously to meet your future requirements.

Continuous product development

We put great emphasis on continuously developing and further improving our well-established products like the Pointprobe® series.

New products and applications

We develop our future products making use of the newest, most innovative technologies and materials. By permanently expanding the spectrum of our products we aim at opening new market segments and new applications for our clients.

Customized solutions

Besides our wide variety of products NanoWorld are able to offer customized solutions and special developments to meet the particular demands and needs of our customers.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Nanoworld AG

Rue Jaquet-Droz 1
Switzerland Neuchatel, CH-2007


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