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GHT Photonics

GHT Photonics

The main areas of research of the company are optical analysis, optical structure monitoring, spectrometry, photonics.

GHT Photonics is an italian dealer of photonical and nanotechnological products and systems. Being the official distributor of Ocean Optics in Italy, GHT Photonics is specialized in miniature spectrometers and spectroscopy systems, providing a full technical support before and after the sale. GHT Potonics is also focused on structure monitoring via optical fibers and can provide stress, temperature and vibration sensors and interrogation systems on request. The collaboration with many international partners, most being leaders in their sector, allow GHT Photonics to offer products and strong know-how in the fields of lasers, nanotechnology, thin film characterization, optomechanical systems, etc.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

GHT Photonics

via Istria, 55
35135 Padova

Phone: 39049/8658873

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