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CHA Industries

Main Activity in Nanotechnology

Material Manufacturer

About Company

Founded in 1954, under the name CARL HERRMANN and ASSOCIATES, CHA Industries, is a privately held company. CHA Industries is dedicated to the design, production and distribution of a full line of high vacuum deposition systems and associated equipment for precision coating.

CHA Industries is headquartered in Fremont, CA, with sales through Domestic and International representatives.

As a vertically integrated company, CHA Industries designs and manufactures approximately 70% to 85% of all items and assemblies sold as components, and currently being used in various systems.

In addition to pioneering the development of the Mark 50, the industry workhorse, CHA Industries invented planetary fixturing. From that foundation of know-how, the company continues to design, manufacture and offer a variety of planetary, lift-off and flip fixturing for multiple applications.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

CHA Industries

4201 Business Center Drive
CA, 94538 Fremont

Phone: 1 (510) 683 8554

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