Homepage Nanotechnology Companies GrafeTECH Europe
GrafeTECH Europe
Main Research Areas af the company are Nanocoating Air Purification, RCI Systems, High Performance Panel, Nanocoating Surface Protection.
The company is the result of a concern: to improve our quality of life and the environment in which we live. Learning from nature, and always with sound processes and toilets, combine and optimize the best and most advanced technologies in the world to permanently delete the great problem of germs that attack people, our food and spaces we They surround. Purify the air in the exterior and interior spaces, freeing you from bacteria, viruses and fungi; The key activity of the company is to eliminate pollution and organic and inorganic odors, and protect surfaces to keep them clean permanently, prolonging the durability of materials and improve their properties. Company offers solutions and improvements, generating cost savings, increases in productivity and above all, greater economic and health benefits for the customers, orienting towards a greener business economics, and always without disrupting your business.
Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |
GrafeTECH EuropeMarqués del Turia 7, bajo |
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