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GVD Corporation

About Company

GVD’s achievement in commercializing vapor deposited polymer coatings has positioned the company as the cutting-edge in high performance functional surface treatments.

GVD’s growth has been organic, driven by a market demand for customized nano- and micro-coating solutions. With years of experience developing coatings for a variety of market sectors from the laboratory to commercial use, GVD delivers advanced performance improvements and enables opportunities for breaking into new markets.

GVD Corporation launched from MIT in 2001 as the commercializing arm of a technology developed in Dr. Karen Gleason’s laboratory. Access to industry experts in vapor deposition, both in advisory positions and on staff, drove research and development to pinpoint innovative markets and applications while advancing materials and processing methods, culminating in a solid patent portfolio. Ongoing development in polymer vapor deposition technology provides an ever-growing opportunity for GVD expansion, tackling new markets and breaking ground for advanced products.

To be slightly technical, GVD’s strength lies in the ability to deposit typically insoluble polymers using a low temperature, dry vacuum process which results in an extremely uniform, chemically pure, nano-scale coating. The technology is not limited to a single coating chemistry, but is a platform for at least 70 polymers, all proven on the laboratory scale through academic publications.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

GVD Corporation

45 Spinelli Place
MA, 02138 Cambridge

Phone: 1 (617) 6610060

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