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Hybrid Plastics Inc.

Main Activity in Nanotechnology

Material Manufacturer

About Company

Hybrid Plastics pioneered and continues to specialize in the design, manufacture, and application of Nanostructured® Chemical Tools derived from a class of chemicals known as Polyhedral Oligomeric Sil sesquioxanes (POSS®).

Hybrid Plastics' revolutionary Nanostructured® chemical products are foundational in nature and possess road utility within the consumer products, aerospace, biological, pharmaceutical, agricultural, transportation, and construction industries. Further, it is a “Green” technology that materially improves the physical properties, such as strength, heat resistance, weight, etc., of the plastic-based products which are ever-present in our modern society - from automobiles to golf balls.

The company was founded in 1998 to commercialize the technology as a spin-off from the Air Force Research Laboratory. R&D quantities of material were immediately sold into the global research community, either directly or through international chemical catalog companies. In the beginning, Hybrid Plastics' efforts were focused on reducing the cost and on ensuring the manufacturability of the technology.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Hybrid Plastics Inc.

55 W.L. Runnels Industrial Drive
MS, 39401 Hattiesburg

Phone: 1 (601) 544 3466

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