Glonatech S.A.

About Company
ONEX Global Nanotechnologies S.A. (Glonatech) is a nanotechnology company, member of the ONEX Company Group, established in October 2009 in Athens.
It is headquartered in a state-of-the-art building located in the municipality of Chalandri, few Kilometers from the center of Athens. Two years after its establishment, the company expanded its operations. The R&D offices and laboratory are located inside TE.S.P.A “Lefkippos” of NCSR “Demokritos”, while its brand new nanoparticles industrial production plant is located in the Industrial Area of Lamia.
The company’s scientific and technical team possesses several years of experience in the production and handling of nanoparticles, such as ceramic oxides and carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Glonatech constantly refines its technologies for targeted production of customized nanomaterials and participates in research projects related to applications of nanoparticles and development of new nanomaterials.
Glonatech S.A.87, Kon.Palaiologou Str. |
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