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IMS Nanofabrication GmbH

Main Activity in Nanotechnology

Material Manufacturer

About Company

IMS Nanofabrication is an Austrian based high-tech company and acts as technology innovator and provider for the nanoworld industries. Based on our extensive know how in charged particle systems we offer solutions to directly transfer custom design patterns to resist or to generate resist-less two and three dimensional surface modifications with features below 10 nanometers.

The company IMS Nanofabrication GmbH is privately owned and was founded in 2001 as daughter company of IMS - Ionen Mikrofabrikations Systeme GmbH, established in 1985. Both companies have realized a number of advanced prototype ion beam systems for micro- and nano-lithography and created a broad technology platform including a valuable set of enabling international patents. The IMS team includes business and technology professionals from various fields and has established an international network of expert partners and collaborators.

IMS Nanofabrication focuses its efforts on development and production of key tool components and plans to commercialize its technology and related services in cooperation with strategic partners.

IMS Nanofabrication therefore acts as enabler at the front of the nano-tech value chain.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

IMS Nanofabrication GmbH

Schreygasse 3
Vienna A-1020

Phone: 43 (1) 214 48 94

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