Nanometrix Inc.

Main Activity in Nanotechnology
Material Manufacturer
About Company
Based in Montreal, Canada, Nanometrix develops Linear Coating solutions for the Semiconductor industry. The company was founded in 2001 by Dr. Gilles Picard, VP of R&D with a PhD in Bio-Physics, and Juan Schneider, VP of Technology with a BSc in Physics and an MSc in Bio-Physics.
The co-founders combined their expertise in coating physics and advanced materials to create their patented Schneider-Picard (SP) Process.
This process provides efficient Linear Coating, a breakthrough coating technique that is gentle, environmentally-friendly and creates a high degree of uniformity across a range of substrate surfaces.
Nanometrix Inc.J.-A.-Bombardier Pavillion, 5155, Decelles Avenue Suite 1222 |
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