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Laurell Technologies Corporation®

Main Activity in Nanotechnology

Material Manufacturer

About Company

Laurell Technologies Corporation (LTC) is a manufacturer of fine spin processing equipment

Laurell is poised at the forefront of practical yet affordable tool design, while remaining absolutely dedicated to customer satisfaction. We now have nearly 6000 systems installed worldwide and an excellent reputation for doing exactly what we say…since 1985!

  • We manufacture exclusively in the United States of America - most models are in stock and ready for delivery within 24 hours
  • Process development-friendly design
  • Our application-specific approach allows us to offer even more functionality at less cost
  • We also configure our universally-designed systems to best meet YOUR needs - we don’t assume that we know what you need until you tell us.
  • We are experts at handling your valuable substrates - offering years of experience; designing chucks for the smallest, thinnest, most delicate substrates
  • to heavy photo-masks, then manufacturing them from the finest materials available
  • If anything ever does go wrong, we typically repair most equipment in less than 24 hours
  • Our systems allow the user to easily develop the process that best fits their application, while maintaining safe visualization of their substrate

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Laurell Technologies Corporation®

441 Industrial Drive
PA, 19454-4150 North Wales

Phone: +1 (215) 699 7278

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