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Finnester Coatings Oy

About Company

Finnester coatings Oy designs and manufactures specific coatings to customer driven applications. With the use of tailor-made formulations and unique raw materials, the company solves all kinds of coating-related problems.

Some of the first products of Finnester Coatings Oy were the soapstone coatings for fire places. Over the years, these products have stayed a member of Finnester product portfolio, however, having experienced many revisions. Fire retardant coatings, special hybrid coatings, flexible or stiff polyurea coatings are some of the products Finnester delivers to its customers. The company has also developed coatings for rehabilitation of sewage pipes. Today, there are kilometers of pipes in Finland coated with Finnester’s coating.

Finnester Coatings Oy is dedicated to continue its steady and strong solution oriented development towards ever better product solutions.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Finnester Coatings Oy

Mestarinkatu 3
FI 15800 LAHTI

Phone: +358 (10) 422 1221

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