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Main Activity in Nanotechnology

Material Manufacturer

About Company

NanoSight delivers the world’s most versatile and proven multi-parameter nanoparticle analysis in a single instrument.

NanoSight’s “Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis” (NTA) detects and visualizes populations of nanoparticles in liquids down to 10 nm, dependent on material, and measures the size of each particle from direct observations of diffusion. Additionally, NanoSight measures concentration and a fluorescence mode differentiates suitably-labelled particles within complex background suspensions. Zeta potential measurements are similarly particle-specific.  It is this particle-by-particle methodology that takes NTA beyond traditional light scattering and other ensemble techniques in providing high-resolution particle size distributions and validates data with information-rich video files of the particles moving under Brownian motion.

This simultaneous multiparameter characterization matches the demands of complex biological systems, hence its wide application in development of drug delivery systems, of viral vaccines, and in nanotoxicology. This real-time data gives insight into the kinetics of protein aggregation and other time-dependent phenomena in a qualitative and quantitative manner. NanoSight has a growing role in biodiagnostics, being proven in detection and speciation of nanovesicles (exosomes) and microvesicles.

NanoSight has installed over 550 systems worldwide and its technology is validated by 600+ third party papers citing NanoSight results and by the ASTM Standard E2834, consolidating NanoSight’s leadership position in nanoparticle characterization. For more information,  visit

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |


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Minton Park, London Road
  • Malvern Instruments Ltd

  • Phone: +44 (0) 1980 676060

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