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Istituto Italiano di technologia

Istituto Italiano di technologia

The Institute has many departments, covering the whole range of nanotechnology areas.

IIT is equipped with a system of organisation and governance that is inspired by functional models of the main international scientific institutions. The Institute's model of governance was chosen and based on a comparative analysis of 7 internationally renown research centres - the Max Plank Institute, Fraunhofer and TNO in Europe; MIT, Scripps, Caltech in the USA; Waseda in Japan - with the specific aim of creating an operational model able to facilitate the development of scientific activities and optimise available resources and financing. More specifically, IIT's organisation is based on the main following principles: research autonomy, the clear and precise definition of responsibilities, operational flexibility, and a constant evaluation of results carried out by independent regulatory bodies. In compliance with the above-described criteria, our organisational model calls for the management and implementation of the Foundation's activities by pre-eminent and independent regulatory bodies.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Istituto Italiano di technologia

Via Morego 30
16163 Genova

Phone: 39-010-71781 718

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