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Camlab Ltd

About Company

Camlab, headquartered in Cambridge, United Kingdom, has been supplying water testing and laboratory equipment globally for nearly 60 years. Camlab’s expertise in the supply of laboratory products, instrumentation, and consumables for scientific applications is backed up by its highly qualified and experienced service team providing customers with a unique level of support.
Specialist activities include water analysis and process instruments, life science instrumentation, consumables and accessories, and an extensive range of laboratory equipment for pharmaceutical and industrial research. 
Camlab is committed to a continuous programme of development of its services and product offerings, delivering real-time information on the latest innovative scientific products to customers. 

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Camlab Ltd

Camlab House, Norman Way Industrial Estate, Over
CB24 5WE Cambridge

Phone: +44 (01954) 233 110

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