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Ambri Limited

About Company

In 1998 AMBRI Limited obtained a worldwide exclusive license for sensing applications for the Ion Channel Switch™ (ICS) technology from the Cooperative Research Centre for Molecular Engineering and Technology. This device was the first purpose built nanomachine operating with moving parts that are nanometres in dimension. ICS is a nanoscale platform that forms a self-assembling bio-membrane, and acts as a biological switch capable of detecting chemical and biological substances in body fluid, foods and water. It is triggered when a target molecule and antibody fragments bind and alter the ion flow or conductivity across the synthetic bio-membrane.

It has application in the on-site, fast detection of bacteriological contamination, with potential use by the military, veterinary diagnostics, food testing to quickly identify dangerous organisms such as salmonella and enterococcus, and environmental monitoring such as measuring faecal coliform bacteria in water.

Australian company AMBRI, is working with US-based, Biosensor Enterprises LLC (BEL), a joint venture between Dow Corning Corporation and Genencor International. The alliance is working to further the range of applications for AMBRI’s ICS™ platform technology. BEL has a license for non-professional applications and AMBRI has retained the rights to applications in the field of professional human diagnostics.


Bio-sensors, NEMS, MEMS, nanofluidic systems, self assembly, membrane,

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Sales Contact

Mr Bruce Cornell
Senior Vice President and Chief Scientist

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

Ambri Limited

126 Greville Street
NSW, 2067 Chatswood

Phone: +61 (2) 9422 3195

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