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National University of Singapore - Graphene Research Centre

National University of Singapore - Graphene Research Centre

They create for the conception, characterization, theoretical modeling, and development of transformative technologies based on two-dimensional crystals, such as graphene.

NUS founded the Graphene Research Centre in 2010.

The NUS centre was made up for the vision, characterization, theoretical modeling, and progress of transformative technologies founded on two-dimensional crystals, such as graphene.

Their target is to be a world leader in innovative and arising materials science, with strong ties to the industry and academia. Moreover, the centre will directly conducte to a new generation of scientists and engineers who will have a permanent impact in the society and business enterprise landscape not only of Singapore but worldwide.

Business Type: Nanotextile » | Biotechnology » | Electrotechnics » |

National University of Singapore - Graphene Research Centre

Block S14, Level 6, 6 Science Drive 2
117546 Singapore

Phone: (+65) 6601-2596

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