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Dept. of Materials Sci and Eng. Uni of Pennsylvani

About Company

The Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania conducts an extensive program of undergraduate education, graduate education and research aimed at developing, understanding, and applying materials for advanced technology. Our department is recognized as a leader and innovator in Materials Research, our faculty and students have received many of the top awards in their respective research fields, our educational program has produced leaders both in industry and academia, and our University is ranked in the top five in the United States. The interests of our faculty are diverse and topical and include cutting edge programs in nanoscience and nanotechnology, polymers and biomaterials, ceramics and metals. Our academic program provides the highest quality education in the fundamentals and applications of technologically relevant materials. At the undergraduate level a new program has been developed to reflect the explosive growth of interest in the nano and bio sectors of engineering science and technology. The cornerstone of our graduate program is flexibility and its hallmarks are excellence and collaboration. MSE graduate students at Penn have undergraduate degrees in many different majors, and each student can tailor his/her education according to their interests and goals. Our research and educational programs are complemented by several multi-disciplinary materials centers and institutes, where our faculty play a leading role in developing cross-departmental and cross-school research initiatives. With these centers come state of the art facilities the centerpiece of these is the Penn Regional Nanotechnology Facility equipped with a wide range of state-of-the-art instrumentation for materials fabrication and analysis.

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Dept. of Materials Sci and Eng. Uni of Pennsylvani

3231 Walnut Street
PA, 19104.6272 Philadelphia

Phone: 1 (215) 8988337

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