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Biotechnology Research Program - Lakehead University

Biotechnology Research Program - Lakehead University

The Biotechnology Research Program is the foundations of Lakehead’s expanding research capabilities and many program members also contribute to the PhD. in Biotechnology.

The Biotechnology Research Program is the cornerstone of Lakehead’s expanding research capabilities and many program members also conduce to the PhD. in Biotechnology.

By successfully combining the aim and expertise of faculty in both science and engineering into two interdisciplinary fields of biotechnology, Environmental Biotechnology and Medical Biotechnology, the Biotechnology Research Program puts Lakehead at the forefront of cutting edge biotechnology research in Northwestern Ontario.

In addition, work in Environmental Biotechnology approaches environmental matters in northern resource sectors, primarily pulp and paper processing and mining. On the other hand, Work in Medical Biotechnology focuses on genomics, toxicology and biomedical sciences.

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Biotechnology Research Program - Lakehead University

Lakehead University, 955 Oliver Road
P7B 5E1 Thunder Bay

Phone: (807) 343-8110

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